Source code for redstone.client

# Copyright 2019 Mathew Odden <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module holds the service specific client classes, as well
as the BaseClient class that they extend from for shared business function.

If you wish to add or extend functionality to a client or service, this is
where the concrete classes and logic are for those purposes.

import base64
import io
import json
import logging
import re
from typing import Dict, List
import urllib.parse
import zipfile

import requests
import requests.adapters
import requests.auth
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from redstone import auth

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TokenAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): def __init__(self, credentials): self._token_manager = credentials def __call__(self, req): req.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % self._token_manager.get_token() return req
[docs]class BaseClient(object): def __init__( self, region=None, service_instance_id=None, iam_api_key=None, verify=True, endpoint_url=None, credentials=None, ): self.session = requests.Session() self.session.verify = verify self.credentials = credentials # respect old path if user builds us directly with API key if iam_api_key: LOG.warn( "'iam_api_key' keyword arg is deprecated. use 'credentials' instead." ) self.credentials = auth.TokenManager(iam_api_key) self.session.auth = TokenAuth(self.credentials) self.service_instance_id = service_instance_id self.region = region if endpoint_url: if endpoint_url.endswith("/"): endpoint_url = endpoint_url[:-1] self.endpoint_url = endpoint_url else: self.endpoint_url = self.endpoint_for_region(region)
[docs]class IKS(BaseClient): names = ["iks"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(IKS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # IKS likes to throw back random 503s at times, # but retrying generally works fine # requests default is Retry(0, read=False); see requests/ retry_conf = Retry( total=5, read=False, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503] ) self.session.mount( "https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_conf) ) self.session.mount( "http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_conf) )
[docs] def endpoint_for_region(self, region): return ""
[docs] def get_clusters(self) -> List[Dict]: """ List the current IKS clusters in a specific region. Returns: A list of dict objects representing the cluster metadata. """ """ GET /v1/clusters HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json X-Region: au-syd """ # returns 200 OK on success resp = self.session.get( "{0}/v1/clusters".format(self.endpoint_url), headers={"X-Region": self.region, "Accept": "application/json"}, ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "error getting clusters: code=%d body=%r" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) ) return resp.json()
[docs] def get_workers(self, cluster): """List the workers in an IKS cluster.""" """ GET /v1/clusters/<cluster_name_or_id>/workers?showDeleted=false HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json X-Region: au-syd """ # returns 200 OK on success resp = self.session.get( "{0}/v1/clusters/{1}/workers?showDeleted=false".format( self.endpoint_url, cluster ), headers={"X-Region": self.region, "Accept": "application/json"}, ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "error getting workers: code=%d body=%r" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) ) return resp.json()
[docs] def update_worker(self, cluster, worker): """ Initiate an update on a worker node. The worker node will update to the latest revision that matches the master/API server version. i.e. If the master is at 1.16.x, the worker will update to the latest 1.16.x series. """ # PUT /v1/clusters/<cluster_name_or_id>/workers/<worker_name_or_id> HTTP/1.1 # Host: # Accept: application/json # Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] # Content-Type: application/json # X-Region: au-syd # {"action":"update"} # OR # {"action":"update", "force": true} # returns 204 No Content on success resp = self.session.put( "{0}/v1/clusters/{1}/workers/{2}".format( self.endpoint_url, cluster, worker ), headers={"X-Region": self.region, "Accept": "application/json"}, json={"action": "update"}, ) if resp.status_code != 204: raise Exception( "error updating workers: code=%d body=%r" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) )
[docs] def update_master(self, cluster, version): """Initate an update on the master nodes of a cluster.""" resp = self.session.put( "{0}/v1/clusters/{1}".format(self.endpoint_url, cluster), headers={"X-Region": self.region, "Accept": "application/json"}, json={"action": "update", "version": version}, ) if resp.status_code != 204: raise Exception( "error updating master: code=%d body=%r" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) )
[docs] def get_kube_versions(self): resp = self.session.get( "{0}/v1/kube-versions".format(self.endpoint_url), headers={"X-Region": self.region, "Accept": "application/json"}, ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "error getting kube-versions: code=%d body=%r" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) ) return resp.json()
[docs] def get_cluster_config(self, cluster): """ Retrieve a KubeConfig that can be used with kubectl to interact with the given IKS cluster. Returns: base64 encoded file data; can be decode and written to file, or used with the python kubernetes client to interact in the same process """ output_format = "yaml" # NOTE(mrodden): no idea why this one API needs the refresh token, # but it certainly gives an HTTP 400 when you don't have it # this is a pretty hacky way of getting one, but we shouldn't even # need it either so... idk. /shrug # do a get token before, to make sure we get a valid refresh token _ = self.session.auth._token_manager.get_token() refresh_token = self.session.auth._token_manager._token_info.get( "refresh_token" ) # yaml output was added after our original code to deal with the zipfile # leaving both in because maybe its useful for someone to use the zip path still params = {} if output_format == "yaml": params["format"] = "yaml" path = "{0}/v1/clusters/{1}/config" resp = self.session.get( path.format(self.endpoint_url, cluster), params=params, headers={"X-Region": self.region, "X-Auth-Refresh-Token": refresh_token}, ) resp.raise_for_status() if output_format == "yaml": config_yaml = resp.content else: zip_data = io.BytesIO() zip_data.write(resp.content) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_data) files = zip_file.namelist() for file_name in files: if file_name.endswith("yml"): kube_yaml = elif file_name.endswith("pem"): ca_data = ca_b64 = base64.b64encode(ca_data) config_yaml = re.sub( b"certificate-authority: .+", b"certificate-authority-data: " + ca_b64, kube_yaml, ) return base64.b64encode(config_yaml)
[docs]class ResourceController(BaseClient): """ Client class for interacting with the Resource Controller service, which is used for managing service instances within the cloud account. API Docs: - - """ names = ["rc"] KEYPROTECT_PLAN_ID = ( "eedd3585-90c6-4c8f-be3d-062069e99fc3" # keyprotect tiered-pricing ID ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ResourceController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # add retries for RC, since it has issues communicating with global catalog # and will throw a 504 in this case retry_conf = Retry( total=5, read=False, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504] ) self.session.mount( "https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_conf) ) self.session.mount( "http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_conf) )
[docs] def endpoint_for_region(self, region): return ""
[docs] def get_default_resource_group(self): default_rg = next( filter( lambda x: x.get("name") in ["Default", "default"], self.resource_groups().get("resources", []), ), None, ) if not default_rg: raise Exception("No default resource group found!") return default_rg
[docs] def resource_groups(self): # resource-manager used to be independent when it was bluemix, # but any recent endpoint will be the same for controller and manager if "bluemix" in self.endpoint_url: netloc = self.endpoint_url.replace("controller", "manager") else: netloc = self.endpoint_url # apparently it doesn't complain if we drop query params, # didn't want to have to look up the account ID anyway, so +2 resp = self.session.get( "{0}/v2/resource_groups".format(netloc), ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Failed to get resource groups: url=%r code=%d body=%r" % (resp.request.url, resp.status_code, resp.text) ) return resp.json()
[docs] def create_instance(self, name, plan_id, region=None, resource_group=None): """ Create/provision a service instance. Returns: tuple of (service_GUID, service_CRN) if successful Raises: Exception if there is an error """ if resource_group is None: resource_group_id = self.get_default_resource_group().get("id") else: resource_group_id = resource_group if not region: region = self.region return self._create_instance_v2(name, region, resource_group_id, plan_id)
def _create_instance_v2(self, name, region, resource_group_id, resource_plan_id): body = { "name": name, "resource_plan_id": resource_plan_id, "resource_group": resource_group_id, "target": region, } resp = "{0}/v2/resource_instances".format(self.endpoint_url), json=body ) if resp.status_code != 201: raise Exception( "Create instance failed: code=%d body=%s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) ) return resp.json().get("guid"), resp.json().get("id") def _create_instance_v1(self, name, region, resource_group_id, resource_plan_id): # seems like the target_crn is the region selector, # and its just the price plan ID with the region stuck at the end target_crn = ( "crn:v1:bluemix:public:globalcatalog::::deployment:{0}%3A{1}".format( resource_plan_id, region ) ) body = { "name": name, "resource_plan_id": resource_plan_id, "resource_group_id": resource_group_id, "target_crn": target_crn, } resp = "{0}/v1/resource_instances".format(self.endpoint_url), json=body ) if resp.status_code != 201: raise Exception( "Create instance failed: code=%d body=%s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) ) return resp.json().get("guid"), resp.json().get("id")
[docs] def delete_instance(self, instance_crn): """Delete/deprovision a service instance identified by the given CRN or UUID.""" safe_crn = urllib.parse.quote(instance_crn, "") resp = self.session.delete( "{0}/v2/resource_instances/{1}".format(self.endpoint_url, safe_crn) ) if resp.status_code != 204: raise Exception( "Delete instance failed: code=%d body=%s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text) )
[docs] def list_instances(self): """ Retrieve a list of all service and resource instances in the current account. Note this will return an iterator that will handle the underlying pagination of large sets of instances returned. Returns: a generator type that iterates over the collection of instances returned from the API request """ resp = self.session.get("{0}/v2/resource_instances".format(self.endpoint_url)) resp.raise_for_status() while True: for res in resp.json()["resources"]: yield res next_url = resp.json().get("next_url") if not next_url: break resp = self.session.get("{0}{1}".format(self.endpoint_url, next_url)) resp.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_instance(self, instance_id): resp = self.session.get( "{0}/v2/resource_instances/{1}".format(self.endpoint_url, instance_id) ) if resp.status_code == 404: return None resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]class KeyProtect(BaseClient): """ API Docs: """
[docs] class KeyProtectError(Exception):
[docs] @staticmethod def wrap(http_error): try: message = http_error.response.json()["resources"][0]["errorMsg"] except (KeyError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ValueError): message = http_error.response.text err = KeyProtect.KeyProtectError(message) err.http_error = http_error err.__suppress_context__ = True return err
names = ["kms"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KeyProtect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.service_instance_id: raise ValueError( "KeyProtect service requires 'service_instance_id' to be set!" ) self.session.headers["Bluemix-Instance"] = self.service_instance_id
[docs] def endpoint_for_region(self, region): return "https://{0}".format(region)
def _validate_resp(self, resp): def log_resp(resp): resp_str = io.StringIO() print("%s %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.reason), file=resp_str) for k, v in resp.headers.items(): if k.lower() == "authorization": v = "REDACTED" print("%s: %s" % (k, v), file=resp_str) print(resp.content.decode(), end="", file=resp_str) return resp_str.getvalue() try: LOG.debug(log_resp(resp)) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as http_err: http_err.raw_response = log_resp(resp) raise KeyProtect.KeyProtectError.wrap(http_err)
[docs] def list_keys(self): resp = self.session.get("%s/api/v2/keys" % self.endpoint_url) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json().get("resources", [])
[docs] def get_key(self, key_id_or_alias): resp = self.session.get( "%s/api/v2/keys/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id_or_alias) ) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json().get("resources")[0]
[docs] def create_key( self, name, payload=None, raw_payload=None, root=False, alias_list=None ): data = { "metadata": { "collectionType": "application/", "collectionTotal": 1, }, "resources": [ { "type": "application/", "extractable": not root, "name": name, } ], } # use raw_payload if given, else assume payload needs some base64 love if raw_payload is not None: data["resources"][0]["payload"] = raw_payload elif payload is not None: data["resources"][0]["payload"] = base64.b64encode(payload).decode("utf-8") # creates a new key with alias name. A key can have a maximum of 5 alias names if alias_list: if len(alias_list) > 5: raise ValueError("A key can not have more than 5 alias names") else: data["resources"][0]["aliases"] = alias_list resp ="%s/api/v2/keys" % self.endpoint_url, json=data) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json().get("resources")[0]
[docs] def delete_key(self, key_id): resp = self.session.delete("%s/api/v2/keys/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id)) self._validate_resp(resp)
def _action(self, key_id, action, jsonable): resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id), params={"action": action}, json=jsonable, ) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def wrap(self, key_id, plaintext, aad=None): if plaintext: data = {"plaintext": base64.b64encode(plaintext).decode("utf-8")} else: data = {} if aad: data["aad"] = aad return self._action(key_id, "wrap", data)
[docs] def unwrap(self, key_id, ciphertext, aad=None): # json body needs to be a UTF-8 string if isinstance(ciphertext, bytes): ciphertext = ciphertext.decode("utf-8") data = {"ciphertext": ciphertext} if aad: data["aad"] = aad resp = self._action(key_id, "unwrap", data) return base64.b64decode(resp["plaintext"].encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def rotate_key(self, key_id, payload=None): data = None if payload: data = {"payload": base64.b64encode(payload).decode("utf-8")} return self._action(key_id, "rotate", data)
[docs] def restore_key(self, key_id: str): """ Restore a key. The RestoreKey method reverts a key's status from `Destroyed` to `Active`. This method cannot be used to restore a key that has been purged. API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/restore" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def disable_key(self, key_id: str): """ Disable a key. The key will not be deleted, but it will not be active and key operations cannot be performed on a disabled key. API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/actions/disable" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def enable_key(self, key_id: str): """ Enable a key. Only disabled keys can be enabled. After calling this action, the key becomes active and key operations can be performed on it. Note: This does not recover Deleted keys. API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/actions/enable" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def sync_associated_resources(self, key_id: str): """ Executes the sync request which verifies and updates the resources associated with the key. API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/actions/sync" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id), ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def create_key_ring(self, key_ring_id: str): """ Create a key ring in the instance with the specified name. API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/key_rings/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_ring_id), ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def get_key_rings(self): """ Get all key rings associated with specified instance API Docs: """ resp = self.session.get( "%s/api/v2/key_rings" % self.endpoint_url, ) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def delete_key_ring(self, key_ring_id: str): """ Deletes a key ring from the associated instance API Docs: """ resp = self.session.delete( "%s/api/v2/key_rings/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_ring_id), ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def create_import_token( self, expiration: int = None, max_allowed_retrievals: int = None ): """ Create an import token that can be used to import encrypted material as root keys. expiration: The time in seconds from the creation of a import token that determines how long it remains valid. The minimum value is 300 seconds (5 minutes), and the maximum value is 86400 (24 hours). The default value is 600 (10 minutes). max_allowed_retrievals: The number of times that an import token can be retrieved within its expiration time before it is no longer accessible. The default value is 1. The maximum value is 500. API Docs: """ data = {} if expiration: data["expiration"] = expiration if max_allowed_retrievals: data["maxAllowedRetrievals"] = max_allowed_retrievals resp = "%s/api/v2/import_token" % self.endpoint_url, json=data ) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def get_registrations(self, key_id: str = None, crn: str = None): """ Retrieve a list of registrations If `key_id` is None (the default) all registrations for the instance are returned, otherwise only the registrations associated with a specified root key are returned. `crn` should be a str type that will be passed as the `urlEncodedResourceCRNQuery` parameter to the HTTP API. It is used to filter registration on a specific cloud resource. More information can be found in the API docs below. API Docs: - - """ params = {} if crn is not None: params["urlEncodedResourceCRNQuery"] = crn if key_id is not None: url = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/registrations" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) else: url = "%s/api/v2/keys/registrations" % self.endpoint_url resp = self.session.get(url, params=params) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def get_import_token(self): """ Retrieves an import token associated with the current service instance. Token must be previously created by a create import token call. API Docs: """ resp = self.session.get("%s/api/v2/import_token" % self.endpoint_url) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def create_key_alias(self, key_id: str, alias: str): """ Creates an alias name for a key. An alias is a user defined string that can be used in place of a normal UUID Key ID API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/aliases/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id, alias) ) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def delete_key_alias(self, key_id: str, alias: str): """ Deletes an alias name associated with a key API Docs: """ resp = self.session.delete( "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/aliases/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id, alias) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
def _set_policy(self, resources_list, key_id=None): collection_total = len(resources_list) data = { "metadata": { "collectionType": "application/", "collectionTotal": collection_total, }, "resources": resources_list, } if key_id: resp = self.session.put( "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/policies" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id), json=data ) else: resp = self.session.put( "%s/api/v2/instance/policies" % self.endpoint_url, json=data ) self._validate_resp(resp) if resp.status_code == 204: return else: return resp.json()
[docs] def set_key_rotation_policy(self, key_id: str, rotation_interval: int): """ Updates the rotation policy associated with a key by specifying key ID and rotation interval API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "type": "application/", "rotation": { "interval_month": int(rotation_interval), }, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list, key_id)
[docs] def set_key_dual_auth_policy(self, key_id: str, dual_auth_enable: bool): """ Updates the dual auth delete policy by passing the key ID and enable detail API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "type": "application/", "dualAuthDelete": {"enabled": dual_auth_enable}, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list, key_id)
[docs] def get_key_policies(self, key_id: str): """ Retrieves a list of policies that are associated with a specified key API Docs: """ resp = self.session.get( "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/policies" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def initiate_dual_auth_delete(self, key_id: str): """ Authorize deletion for a key with a dual authorization policy API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/actions/setKeyForDeletion" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def cancel_dual_auth_delete(self, key_id: str): """ Remove an authorization for a key with a dual authorization policy API Docs: """ resp = "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/actions/unsetKeyForDeletion" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def set_instance_dual_auth_policy(self, dual_auth_enable: bool): """ Updates the dual auth delete policy for the instance by passing the enable detail API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "policy_type": "dualAuthDelete", "policy_data": {"enabled": dual_auth_enable}, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list)
[docs] def set_instance_allowed_network_policy( self, allowed_network_enable: bool, network_type: str ): """ Updates the allowed network policy for the instance `network_type` is a str type, and must be one of "public-and-private" or "private-only". The default is "public-and-private", but can be set to "private-only" to disable access to the instance from Internet client addresses. API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "policy_type": "allowedNetwork", "policy_data": { "enabled": allowed_network_enable, "attributes": {"allowed_network": network_type}, }, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list)
[docs] def set_instance_allowed_ip_policy( self, allowed_ip_enable: bool, allowed_ips: List[str] ): """ Updates the allowed IP policy for the instance API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "policy_type": "allowedIP", "policy_data": { "enabled": allowed_ip_enable, "attributes": {"allowed_ip": allowed_ips}, }, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list)
[docs] def set_instance_key_create_import_access_policy( self, key_create_import_access_enable: bool, create_root_key: bool, create_standard_key: bool, import_root_key: bool, import_standard_key: bool, enforce_token: bool, ): """ Updates the key create import access policy details associated with an instance. 'key_create_import_access_enable' is boolean type, the instance policy is enabled if it's set to true API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "policy_type": "keyCreateImportAccess", "policy_data": { "enabled": key_create_import_access_enable, "attributes": { "create_root_key": create_root_key, "create_standard_key": create_standard_key, "import_root_key": import_root_key, "import_standard_key": import_standard_key, "enforce_token": enforce_token, }, }, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list)
[docs] def set_instance_metrics_policy(self, metrics_enable: bool): """ Updates the metrics policy details associated with an instance API Docs: """ resources_list = [ { "policy_type": "metrics", "policy_data": {"enabled": metrics_enable}, } ] return self._set_policy(resources_list)
[docs] def get_instance_policies(self): """ Retrieves a list of policies that are associated with a specified service instance """ resp = self.session.get("%s/api/v2/instance/policies" % self.endpoint_url) self._validate_resp(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def set_key_ring(self, key_id: str, key_ring_id: str, new_key_ring_id: str): """ Transfers a key associated with one key ring to another key ring """ resp = self.session.patch( "%s/api/v2/keys/%s" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id), json={"keyRingID": new_key_ring_id}, headers={"X-Kms-Key-Ring": key_ring_id}, ) self._validate_resp(resp)
[docs] def purge_key(self, key_id: str): """ Purge key method shreds all the metadata and registrations associated with a key that has been deleted. The purge operation is allowed to be performed on a key from 4 hours after its deletion """ resp = self.session.delete( "%s/api/v2/keys/%s/purge" % (self.endpoint_url, key_id) ) self._validate_resp(resp)
# deprecated methods keys = list_keys get = get_key create = create_key delete = delete_key rotate = rotate_key
[docs]class CISAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): def __init__(self, credentials): self._token_manager = credentials def __call__(self, req): req.headers["x-auth-user-token"] = "Bearer %s" % self._token_manager.get_token() return req
[docs]class CIS(BaseClient): names = ["cis"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CIS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.session.auth = CISAuth(self.credentials) self.safe_crn = urllib.parse.quote(self.service_instance_id, safe="")
[docs] def endpoint_for_region(self, region): return ""
[docs] def pools(self): path = "{0}/v1/{1}/load_balancers/pools" resp = self.session.get(path.format(self.endpoint_url, self.safe_crn)) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json().get("result")
[docs] def get_pool(self, pool_id): path = "{0}/v1/{1}/load_balancers/pools/{2}" resp = self.session.get(path.format(self.endpoint_url, self.safe_crn, pool_id)) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json().get("result")
[docs] def update_pool(self, pool): pool_id = pool.get("id") keys_to_remove = ["created_on", "modified_on", "healthy", "id"] for key in keys_to_remove: try: del pool[key] except KeyError: pass path = "{0}/v1/{1}/load_balancers/pools/{2}" resp = self.session.put( path.format(self.endpoint_url, self.safe_crn, pool_id), json=pool ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json().get("result")